Romani is spoken by a large portion of the Romanis living throughout the Balkan countries. Most serious (and real) cause of course, was the competition for power between the old and the new capitals of the Roman Empire (Rome and Constantinople). From northern East Germany, via Scythia, they pushed southwards into the Roman Balkans following the threat of the Huns. Achaemenid Persian Empire (6th to 5th century BC), Pre-Roman states (4th to 1st centuries BC). The Ottoman Empire used the opportunity to recapture Eastern Thrace, establishing its new western borders that still stand today as part of modern Turkey. [31], The social structure of the Balkans in the late 18th century was complex. Croatia joined the EU in 2013. Many rulers built their residences in the region.[15]. For example: in Bulgaria, beginning in 1984, the Communist government led by Todor Zhivkov began implementing a policy of forced assimilation of the ethnic Turkish minority. Slovenia and Cyprus have been EU members since 2004, and Bulgaria and Romania joined the EU in 2007. They encountered problems with train schedules and mobilization schedules, which conflicted with agricultural cycles in some areas. Die Balkanhalbinsel (auch kurz Balkan, oft synonym mit Südosteuropa verwendet) ist eine geographisch nicht eindeutig definierte Halbinsel im Südosten Europas. [17] The first attested time the name "Balkan" was used in the West for the mountain range in Bulgaria was in a letter sent in 1490 to Pope Innocent VIII by Buonaccorsi Callimaco, an Italian humanist, writer and diplomat. [4] The region takes its name from the Balkan Mountains that stretch throughout the whole of Bulgaria. The Romans defeated Gentius, the last king of Illyria, at Scodra in 168 BC[citation needed] and captured him, bringing him to Rome in 165 BC. The Magyars were a Uralic people, originating from west of the Ural Mountains. 1230–1350 km) and from Trieste to Cape Matapan (ca. On May 1 the Balkan frontiers were once again reshuffled, with the creation of several puppet states, such as Croatia and Montenegro, the Albanian expansion into Greece and Yugoslavia, Bulgarian annexation of territories in the Greek North, creation of a Vlach state in the Greek mountains of Pindus and the annexation of all the Ionian and part of the Aegean islands into Italy. usually discuss the Balkans as a region. See also the Black Sea regional organizations, The region is inhabited by Albanians, Aromanians, Bulgarians, Bosniaks, Croats, Gorani, Greeks, Macedonians, Montenegrins, Serbs, Slovenes, Romanians, Turks, and other ethnic groups which present minorities in certain countries like the Romani and Ashkali. The Gross domestic product (Purchasing power parity) per capita is highest in Slovenia (over $36,000), followed by Greece (over $30,000), Croatia, Bulgaria and Romania (over $23,000), Turkey, Montenegro, Serbia, North Macedonia ($10,000–15,000) and Bosnia, Albania and Kosovo (below $10,000). [5][9] Darius's highly regarded commander Megabazus was responsible to fulfill the conquers in the Balkans. They invaded Albania in 1939 and annexed after just a week to the Kingdom of Italy. Early Byzantine missionary work spread Orthodox Christianity to various Slavic peoples, amongst whom it still is a predominant religion. For Italians and Austrians, it begins with Slovenia, where the reign of the Slavic hordes starts. Greece and Turkey were members of. Greece is also an official member of the Eurozone, and the Western European Union. Another hope was that they could annex Serbian territories in order to change the ethnic composition of the empire. [70] Together with the early and extremely heavy winter of that year (which caused hundreds of thousands of deaths among the poorly fed population), the German invasion had disastrous effects in the timetable of the planned invasion in Russia causing a significant delay,[71] which had major consequences during the course of the war.[72]. Doch als im April 1453 das osmanische Heer den Großangriff eröffnete, kam aus dem Westen keine Hilfe. The bloody suppression of the April Uprising in Bulgaria, became occasion of the outbreak of the Russo-Turkish War (1877–1878) and the Liberation of Bulgaria in 1878. Vinča culture developed a form of proto-writing before the Sumerians and Minoans, known as the Old European script, while the bulk of the symbols had been created in the period between 4500 and 4000 BC, with the ones on the Tărtăria clay tablets even dating back to around 5300 BC.[54]. Bracewell, Wendy, and Alex Drace-Francis, eds. "The Ottoman Conquest of the Balkans. With the dissolution of Yugoslavia, an issue emerged over the name under which the former (federated) republic of Macedonia would internationally be recognized, between the new country and Greece. [31][32][33], From 1920 until World War II, Italy included Istria and some Dalmatian areas (like Zara, today's Zadar) that are within the general definition of the Balkan Peninsula. 2010, R. Bonfil et al., Jews in Byzantium: Dialectics of Minority and Majority Cultures, p. 127-ff. The distinct identity and fragmentation of the Balkans owes much to its common and often turbulent history regarding centuries of Ottoman conquest and to its very mountainous geography.[1][2]. [15] A third possibility is that "Haemus" (Αἵμος) derives from the Greek word "haima" (αἷμα) meaning 'blood'. The concept of the "Balkans" was created by the German geographer August Zeune in 1808,[22] who mistakenly considered it as the dominant central mountain system of Southeast Europe spanning from the Adriatic Sea to the Black Sea. annektiert das Krim Khanat, dass damit erlischt 1787 Krieg mit Russland 1788 Schweden erklärt Russland den Krieg 1788–1822 Tepedelenli Ali Pa?a kontrolliert einen großen Teil des westlichen Balkans The Bulgarian government responded with violence and mass expulsions of the activists. The Huns are supposed to have triggered the great German migrations into western Europe. The first attack came on August 16, between parts of the 21st Austro-Hungarian division and parts of the Serbian Combined division. Thallozczy i referohet me titullin kont.. Jeta. [65], With the start of the Second World War, all Balkan countries, with the exception of Greece, were allies of Nazi Germany, having bilateral military agreements or being part of the Axis Pact. As a result, the balance of power, economic relations, and ethnic divisions were completely altered. [9], Following the Ionian Revolt the Persian authority in the Balkans was restored by Mardonius in 492,[9] which not only included the re-subjugation of Thrace, but also the full subordinate inclusion of Macedon into the Persian Empire. [61] As examples, for Greeks, Constantine XI Palaiologos and Kolokotronis; and for Serbs, Miloš Obilić and Tzar Lazar; for Montenegrins, Đurađ I Balšić and Ivan Crnojević; for Albanians, George Kastrioti Skanderbeg; for ethnic Macedonians, Nikola Karev[62] and Goce Delčev;[62] for Bulgarians, Vasil Levski, Georgi Sava Rakovski and Hristo Botev and for Croats, Nikola Šubić Zrinjski. The Allied offensive in September 1918, which failed in 1916 & 1917 was successful at Dobro Pole. Kitromilides, Paschalis M. 1996. Anna Comnene relates in Alexiade about Dacians (instead of Vlachs) from Balkans and from the North side of Danube and they were identified as Romanians. It has been a juncture between the Latin and Greek bodies of the Roman Empire, the destination of a massive influx of pagan Bulgars and Slavs, an area where Orthodox and Catholic Christianity met,[55] as well as the meeting point between Islam and Christianity. It greatly increased in strength in the coming centuries stretching from Dnieper to Budapest and the Mediterranean. The borders of many states were completely redrawn, and the new Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes, later Yugoslavia, was created. [9] There is also a claim about an earlier Bulgar Turkic origin of the word popular in Bulgaria, however it is only an unscholarly assertion. The participation of Greece in the war three years later, in 1918, on the part of the Entente finally altered the balance between the opponents leading to the collapse of the common German-Bulgarian front there, which caused the exit of Bulgaria from the war, and in turn, the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, ending the First World War. 163–191. Les Balkans sont eune chaîne dé montangnes tchi lus êtrueûlent avaû 560km dans l'su'êt' d'l'Ûrope, d'la Néthe Mé, par la Bulgarie et jusqu'en Sèrbie d'l'Êst.Nou peut dithe qu'ches montangnes sont l'but des monts Carpatchiens mais i' sont s'pathées d'ches'-chîn par la riviéthe Danube.Lé nom Balkan veint du Turtchais et sîngnifie des "monts bouaîsis". This page was last edited on 22 March 2021, at 16:49. The nationalism was not dead after World War II. Peace only came in 1995 after such events as the Srebrenica massacre, Operation Storm, Operation Mistral 2 and the Dayton Agreement, which provided for a temporary solution, but nothing was permanently resolved. Starting in the 2nd century BC the rising Roman Republic began annexing the Balkan area, transforming it into one of the Empire's most prosperous and stable regions. The myth relates to a fight between Zeus and the monster/titan Typhon. In time, Bosnia became separated under its own ruler. Other tribal unions existed in Dacia at least as early as the beginning of the 2nd century BC under King Oroles. Encyclopaedia of Islam, Second Edition, Editors: P. Bearman, Th. It was the first time in the Cold War that hostilities led to a proxy war. The term Balkan Peninsula was a synonym for European Turkey, the political borders of former Ottoman Empire provinces. Until 1914 more peaceful elements had been able to argue against these military strategies, either through strategic considerations or political ones. All the states have open market economies, most of which are in the upper-middle-income range ($4,000–12,000 p.c. [46], The term is criticized for having a geopolitical, rather than a geographical meaning and definition, as a multiethnic and political area in the southeastern part of Europe. [9][12] The multi-ethnic Achaemenid army possessed many soldiers from the Balkans. [24] The geographical term of a peninsula defines that the water border must be longer than land, with the land side being the shortest in the triangle, but that is not the case with the Balkan Peninsula. [9] Several Thracian peoples, and nearly all of the other European regions bordering the Black Sea (including parts of the modern-day Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine, and Russia), were conquered by the Achaemenid army before it returned to Asia Minor. In Albania, Bulgaria and Romania the changes in political and economic system were accompanied by a period of political and economic instability and tragic events. The two Romance-speaking principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia had their own nobility, but were ruled by Greek families chosen by the Sultan. [11][12], From classical antiquity through the Middle Ages, the Balkan Mountains were called by the local Thracian[13] name Haemus. The definition of the Balkan Peninsula's natural borders do not coincide with the technical definition of a peninsula; hence modern geographers reject the idea of a Balkan peninsula, while scholars[of what?] [47], As the Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Žižek put it,[48]. A smaller group of Bulgars under Khan Kouber settled almost simultaneously in the Pelagonian plain in western Macedonia after spending some time in Panonia. Its northern boundary is often given as the Danube, Sava and Kupa Rivers. [29][30] The different groups in the empire were organised along confessional lines, in the so-called the Millet system. Till October 1991, the Army withdrew from Slovenia, and in Croatia, the Croatian War of Independence would continue until 1995. Um den Absatz von Autos, Benzin oder Reifen zu steigern, taten sich US-Firmen seit den 20er-Jahren zusammen: Sie kauften Straßenbahnen auf – und ruinierten sie. Marshal Josip Broz Tito (1892–1980), later rejected the idea of merging with Bulgaria, and instead sought closer relations with the West, later even creating the Non-Aligned Movement, which brought them closer ties with third world countries. The Doge since that time bore the titles of Duke of Dalmatia and Duke of Istria. On political, social and economic criteria the divisions are as follows: On border control and trade criteria the divisions are as follows: Territories that are legally bound to join the. BoD 2004, ISBN 3-8334-0977-0 There they encountered a predominantly Slavic populace and Avar remnants. Yugoslav Committee, a political interest group formed by South Slavs from Austria-Hungary during World War I, aimed at joining the existing south Slavic nations in an independent state. In the ensuing 10 years armed confrontation, gradually all the other Republics declared independence, with Bosnia being the most affected by the fighting. The Ottoman Empire lost nearly all of its holdings in Europe. However, the defiance of the Greek prime minister Metaxas on 28 October 1940, started the Greco-Italian war. Croatia's former president Franjo Tuđman and Bosnia's Alija Izetbegović died before any alleged accusations were leveled at them at the ICTY. They had occupied the fertile plains of the Ukraine for several centuries until the Khazars swept their confederation in the 660s and triggered their further migration. Dafür gibt es einen Grund: While in the non-aligned Yugoslavia, Wars between the former Yugoslav republics broke out after Slovenia and Croatia held free elections and their people voted for independence on their respective countries' referenda. With the rise of national states and their histories, it is very hard to find reliable sources on the Ottoman concept of a nation and the centuries of the relations between House of Osman and the provinces, which turned into states. The northern border of the peninsula is variously defined. Außerdem gehören zum Balkan noch: - Bulgarien - Griechenland - ein Teil von Rumänien - ein Teil von der Türkei Im folgenden Text geht es aber hauptsächlich um den West-Balkan. The monumentally colossal World War I was ignited from a spark in the Balkans, when a Bosnian Serb named Gavrilo Princip assassinated the heir to the Austrian throne, Franz Ferdinand. Ein Überblick über die Volksmusik des Balkans - Musik / Sonstiges - Hausarbeit 2018 - ebook 16,99 € - Although the new government reaffirmed Serbia's intentions to fulfil its obligations as a member of the Axis,[68] Germany, with Bulgaria, invaded both Greece and Yugoslavia. Der Balkan als historischer Raum Europas von Holm Sundhaussen Während der ersten zwei Jahrzehnte des 20. Population: ca. However, even with the fierce Cretan resistance, which cost the Nazis the bulk of their elite paratrooper forces, the island capitulated after 11 days of fighting. [13] The Persian invasion led indirectly to Macedonia's rise in power and Persia had some common interests in the Balkans; with Persian aid, the Macedonians stood to gain much at the expense of some Balkan tribes such as the Paeonians and Greeks. The Bulgarian-German-Austrian invasion of Serbia in 1915 was a quick victory, but by the end of 1915 Bulgaria was also fighting the British and French—as well as the Romanians in 1916 and the Greeks in 1917. Yugoslavia was not an isolated case of ethnic tension. Later, the region was directly governed by Rome and organized as a province, with Scodra as its capital. An Albanian population of the Greek North, the Cams, were forced to flee their lands because they collaborated with the Italians. Die Konflikte auf dem Balkan waren der entscheidende Wegbereiter für den Ausbruch des Ersten Weltkriegs.Spannungen zwischen verschiedenen ethnischen Völkern sorgten dafür, dass sich auch die europäischen Großmächte in das Krisengebiet einmischten, weil sie ihre machtpolitischen Interessen vertreten wollten.Die einzelnen Völker strebten nach Unabhängigkeit vom Osmanischen Reich. After seven months of hard fighting, with some of the first Allied victories and the Italians losing nearly one third of Albania, Germany intervened to save its ally. In the wake of the Russia's decisive victory in a war with Turkey, 1877–78, the urgent need was to stabilize and reorganize the Balkans, and set up new nations. In Dacia, Roman colonists and Romanized Dacians retreated in the Carpathian Mountains of Transylvania after the Roman withdrawal. Byzantine rule interrupted Hungarian rule, and under Byzantine suzerainty, the, Croatia: Following the settlement of Slavs in the Roman provinces of Dalmatia and Pannonia, Croat tribes established two duchies. For Serbs, it begins down there in Kosovo or Bosnia, and they defend the Christian civilization against this Europe's Other. They ruled over the Western Slavs that had already inhabited the region. 2011, David Christian-A history of Russia, Central Asia, and Mongolia, p.280. These Goths were eventually granted lands inside the Byzantine realm (south of the Danube), as foederati (allies). Over the centuries forests have been cut down and replaced with bush. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. The next year Bulgaria joined the Central Powers attacking Serbia, which was successfully fighting Austro-Hungary to the north for a year. Der Zweite Weltkrieg war der bislang größte und folgenreichste Krieg in der Geschichte der Menschheit.Nach Schätzungen wurden in den Jahren zwischen 1939 und 1945 etwa 60 Millionen Menschen getötet.Der Weltkrieg begann mit dem Angriff des Deutschen Reichs auf Polen am 1.September 1939.Bis 1945 traten fast alle Staaten der Welt in den Krieg ein. These three major tribal groups spoke Paleo-Balkan languages, Indo-European languages. The Ottoman rulers exercised control chiefly in indirect ways. The Eastern Roman Emperor Justinian for a time retook and restored much of the territory once held by the unified Roman Empire, from Spain and Italy, to Anatolia. 55 million (32 million only the peninsula's part) A part of the population in the Balkans defines itself as irreligious. Fleming, Katherine Elisabeth. In the autumn, with many Austro-Hungarians tied up in heavy fighting with Serbia, Russia was able to make huge inroads into Austria-Hungary capturing Galicia and destroying much of the Empire's fighting ability. Montenegro: In the 10th century, there were three principalities on the territory of Montenegro: North Macedonia: North Macedonia officially celebrates 8 September 1991 as, Serbia: Following the settlement of Slavs, the Serbs established several principalities, as described in the DAI. This was quickly reversed from the aftermath. They were surrounded by the Franks (and later Venetians) and Avars (and later Magyars), while Byzantines tried to maintain control of the Dalmatian coast. The Ardiaean kingdom, with its capital in Scodra, is perhaps the best example of a centralized, ancient Albanian state. [5] In the studies the Balkans natural borders, especially the northern border, are often avoided to be addressed, considered as a "fastidious problem" by André Blanc in Geography of the Balkans (1965), while John Lampe and Marvin Jackman in Balkan Economic History (1971) noted that "modern geographers seem agreed in rejecting the old idea of a Balkan Peninsula". Serbia and Montenegro finally gained complete independence, but with smaller territories. Initial upsets on Kosovo did not escalate into a war until 1999 when the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) was bombarded by NATO for 78 days with Kosovo being made a protectorate of international peacekeeping troops. The Greeks were the first to establish a system of trade routes in the Balkans, and in order to facilitate trade with the natives, between 700 BC and 300 BC they founded a number of colonies on the Black Sea (Pontus Euxinus) coast, Asia Minor, Dalmatia, Southern Italy (Magna Graecia) etc. Milošević died of a heart attack in 2006 before a verdict could have been released. It had a geopolitical rather than a geographical definition, which was further promoted during the creation of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia in the early 20th century. HILCKMANN A. Wichtige Handelswege zwischen Okzident und Orient verliefen durch die balkanische Region und machten sie aber auch mehrere Male zum Schauplatz der Konfrontation … In 680 AD they invaded Moesia and Dobrudja and formed a confederation with the local Slavic tribes who had migrated there a century earlier. The economy suffered an enormous damage in all of Bosnia and Herzegovina and in the affected parts of Croatia. Another reason it was not commonly accepted as the definition of then European Turkey had a similar land extent. The term Balkan Peninsula was a synonym for Rumelia in the 19th century, the provinces of the Ottoman Empire in Southeast Europe. These original Vlachs probably consisted of a variety of ethnic groups (most notably Thracians, Dacians, Illyrians) who shared the commonality of having been assimilated in language and culture of the Roman Empire with the Roman colonists settled in their areas. Since the Bosniaks had no immediate refuge, they were arguably hardest hit by the ethnic violence. A.N. It is more or less identical to the region known as Southeast Europe. An exception was the Bulgarian Jews, most of whom were saved by Boris III of Bulgaria, who resisted Adolf Hitler, opposing their deportation to Nazi concentration camps. As westernization spread through the Balkans, many reforms were carried out that led to implementation of market economy and to privatization, among other capitalist reforms. XI-XIV, Editura Academiei RSR, Bucuresti,1975, note 91 on p.117. After repelling the attack, the Greeks counterattacked, invading Italy-held Albania and causing Nazi Germany's intervention in the Balkans to help its ally. It is as if one can never receive a definitive answer to the question, "Where does it begin?" Coinciding with the decline of the Roman Empire, many "barbarian" tribes passed through the Balkans, most of whom did not leave any lasting state. Venice subsequently carved out a sphere of influence in the Aegean known as the Duchy of the Archipelago, and also gained control of the island of Crete. [10] The term is stated for the first time in Hungarian sources from the 12th century. The Eneolithic Varna culture in Bulgaria (4600–4200 BC radiocarbon dating) produced the world's earliest known gold treasure and had sophisticated beliefs about afterlife. [23] An eventual Balkan peninsula can be considered a territory South of the Balkan Mountains, with a possible name "Greek-Albanian Peninsula. Albania on the other hand gravitated toward Communist China, later adopting an isolationist position. The territories were split to Macedonia, Achaia and Epirus. Finally, at the end of 1944, the Soviets entered Romania and Bulgaria forcing the Germans out of the Balkans. At the time, Bulgaria was fighting at the main Thracian Front. The Slavs migrated from Central Europe and Eastern Europe and eventually became known as South Slavs. Geschichte des Balkan: Historische Informationen: REENIC Infodienst: Spiegel Jahrbuch: Staatsoberhäupter und Parteivorsitzende seit 1945: Verschiedene Artikel zur (auch älteren) Geschichte: Wikipedia The congress was aimed at the revision of the Treaty of San Stefano and at keeping Constantinople in Ottoman hands. Serbia, in turn, declared the dissolution of the union as unconstitutional and the Yugoslavian army unsuccessfully tried to maintain the status quo. When operations began in early August Austria-Hungary was unable to crush the Serbian armies as many within the monarchy had predicted. Most of the states in the Balkans are predominantly urbanized, with the lowest number of urban population as % of the total population found in Kosovo at under 40%, Bosnia and Herzegovina at 40% and Slovenia at 50%. [78] The Gini coefficient, which indicates the level of difference by monetary welfare of the layers, is on the second level at the highest monetary equality in Albania, Bulgaria and Serbia, on the third level in Greece, Montenegro and Romania, on the fourth level in North Macedonia, on the fifth level in Turkey, and the most unequal by Gini coefficient is Bosnia at the eighth level which is the penultimate level and one of the highest in the world. Comerț, industrie, arte, expansiune, civilizație", ediția I, 1936; ediția a II-a, Editura Cartea Armână, Constanța, 2003, 598 p.; Russia's life-saver, Albert Loren Weeks, 2004, p. 98, The encyclopedia of codenames of World War II#Marita, Christopher Chant, 1986, pp. Der größte Staat auf der Halbinsel ist Griechenland, gefolgt von Bulgarien (in dem sich der Großteil des Balkangebirges befindet), dann der Reihe nach von Serbien, Bosnien und Herzegowina, Albanien, Nordmazedonien, Montenegro und dem Kosovo. Ιn 2001 an Albanian uprising in North Macedonia forced the country to give local autonomy to the ethnic Albanians in the areas where they predominate. After the end of the wars a revolution broke in Serbia and Slobodan Milošević, the Serbian communist leader (elected president between 1989 and 2000), was overthrown and handed for a trial to the International Criminal Tribunal for crimes against the International Humanitarian Law during the Yugoslav wars. ", This page was last edited on 5 April 2021, at 01:33. On October 17, 2007 Croatia became a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council for the 2008–2009 term, while Bosnia and Herzegovina became a non-permanent member for the 2010–2011 period. During the Cold War, most of the countries in the Balkans were ruled by Soviet-supported communist governments. As of April 2009,[76] Albania and Croatia are members of NATO. Weakened by constant warfare with Bulgaria and the unconquered sections of the empire, the Latin Empire eventually fell when Byzantines recaptured Constantinople under Emperor Michael VIII Palaiologos in 1261. The Magyars, led by Árpád, were the leading clan in a ten tribe confederacy. Geographical horizon (Scientific and Professional magazine of the Croatian Geographical Society), article; The standard scholarly histories of the Balkans include Romania. The Congress of Berlin (13 June – 13 July 1878) was a meeting of the leading statesmen of Europe's Great Powers and the Ottoman Empire. Christianity first came to the area when Saint Paul and some of his followers traveled in the Balkans passing through Thracian, Illyrian and Greek populated areas. The East-West Schism, known also as the Great Schism (though this latter term sometimes refers to the later Western Schism), was the event that divided Christianity into Western Catholicism and Greek Eastern Orthodoxy, following the dividing line of the Empire in Western Latin-speaking and Eastern Greek-speaking parts. [23] According to M. S. Altić, the term has two different meanings, "geographical, ultimately undefined, and cultural, extremely negative, and recently strongly motivated by the contemporary political context". Hydropower is in wide use, from over 1,000 dams. One part of them — under the leadership of Asparuh — headed southwest and settled in the 670s in present-day Bessarabia. "[14] Macedonian soldiers fought against Athens and Sparta in Xerxes' army. Gail Warrander, Verena Knau, Kosovo, 2nd: The Bradt Travel Guide. The institutions of the European Union have generally used the term "Western Balkans" to mean the Balkan area that includes countries that are not members of the European Union, while others refer to the geographical aspects. 55 million (32 million only the peninsula's part), 31% Serbian (official), 15% Croatian (official), 2% other, 8% Turkish, 4% Romani, 1% other, 1% unspecified, 2% Bosnian, 2% Serbian (official), 1% Turkish, 1% other, 25% Albanian (official), 4% Turkish, 2% Romani, 1% Serbian, 2% other, 3% Hungarian, 2% Bosnian, 1% Romani, 3% other, 2% unspecified. [16], The earliest mention of the name appears in an early 14th-century Arab map, in which the Haemus mountains are referred to as Balkan. On military criteria the divisions are as follows: On the recent political, social and economic criteria there are two groups of countries: Former communist territories: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia and Slovenia, Capitalist and aligned to the West during the Cold War: Greece and Turkey, During the Cold War the Balkans were disputed between the two blocks. [19][20] The name is still preserved in Central Asia with the Balkan Daglary (Balkan Mountains)[21] and the Balkan Province of Turkmenistan. In 1797 Napoleon conquered Venice and caused the end of the Republic of Venice in the Balkans. 1939 bis 1945. With more Slavs in the Empire, some in the German-dominated half of the government hoped to balance the power of the Magyar-dominated Hungarian government. free encyclopedia Balkan peninsula (as defined geographically, by the Danube-Sava-Kupa line) The Balkans and parts of this area are alternatively situated in Southeast On currency criteria, the divisions are as follows: Territories using national currencies and are, Territories using national currencies: Albania (. Currently, all of the states are republics, but until World War II all countries were monarchies. The highest mountain of the region is Rila in Bulgaria, with Musala at 2,925 m, second being Mount Olympus in Greece, with Mytikas at 2,917 m, and Pirin mountain with Vihren, also in Bulgaria, being the third at 2915 m.[49][50] The karst field or polje is a common feature of the landscape. Since 2000, all Balkan countries are friendly towards the EU and the US. [18] The Ottomans first mention it in a document dated from 1565. A million or more Turks had settled in the Balkans, typically in smaller urban centers where they were garrison troops, civil servants, and craftsmen and merchants. For Slovenes, it begins with Croatia, and we Slovenes are the last outpost of the peaceful Mitteleuropa. In einigen südosteuropäischen Staaten bilden sie bis heute größere nationale Minderheiten.