Try again after some time. Read through our Translator Handbook to get started. lkas86 (@lkas86) vor 2 Jahre, 9 Monaten. Do you sell your albums or other items on Amazon? Link Builder is the official free Amazon Associates Program plugin for WordPress. If you are a Web site owner, an Amazon seller, or a Web developer, you can start earning money today. The program gives you a cut every time a sale is made from your site, whether or not it’s your item that is being sold, so feel free to make a list of your favorite albums, songs, etc. Only one item can be selected while adding text links", 'amazon-associates-link-builder' ), 133 /* translators: %s: Email-id of the support */ 134 -"paapi_request_timeout_error" => sprintf( esc_html__( "Request timed out. Amazon Associates is discontinuing its WordPress Plugin called “Amazon Associates Link Builder WordPress Plugin”. Also, make sure you choose a 301 redirect. In short Amazon could have just written: You’re fucked! Amazon Associates Link Builder – Acsess&Secret Key lässt sich nicht speichern. Welcome to Amazon Associates Our Resource Centre is your one-stop shop to grow and manage your brand, improve your content, and turn a profit (yay!) They sent an email to associates informing them of the timeline. With the Amazon Associates Link Builder, there is now a plugin for WordPress that makes this possible directly from the Editor. Amazon Associate Link Builder will be discontinued on 9 March 2020. Amazon Associates Link Builderでは「Templates」設定画面から、商品リンクを作成するHTMLテンプレートの編集ができるようになっています。 オリジナルデザインのリンクを作成する場合、このテンプレートにHTMLテンプレートを登録して使うことになります。 So using service like is against the rules if you don’t make it clear it’s an Amazon link. The plugin enables you to search for products in the Amazon catalog, access real-time price and availability information, and easily create links in your posts to products on Der Amazon Associates Link Builder befindet sich noch in der Beta Phase. That would have made it quick and painless. Amazon Associates Link Builder è il plugin ufficiale di Amazon che supporta gli amministratori di siti sviluppati con WordPress nella messa in opera di siti web associati al programma di affiliazione.. Il plugin è stato rilasciato il 6 dicembre 2016 ed è tutt’ora in fase beta. Search for: Submit #Step 2:. Affiliate marketers around the world probably received an email that looks like the below, with a worrying subject line “IMPORTANT – Discontinuation of AALB by March 9, 2020” . Your target URL is the link you copied from your Amazon Associates account. Amazonアソシエイトのリンクを、プラグイン Amazon Associates Link Builder を利用して出すことにしました。アマゾンアソシエイト公式のWordPress用プラグインです。(執筆時バージョン1.4.13) Next, you’ll need to name your link, add your target URL, and create your link. Install the Amazon Associate Link Builder Plugin #Step 1: . If your WordPress database uses the default prefix you can safely ignore this. The Amazon Affiliate program, or Amazon Associates, is an affiliate marketing program. The Product Links tool lets you build customized Text Links, Text and Image links, and Image only links to Amazon … Morgen, ich benutze seit einiger Zeit schon den Link Builder auf meiner Seite. The ‘Pretty Link’ is the shortened URL you want to use instead. .- sube el archivo " GeoLite2-City.mmdb" a la carpeta " associates-link-builder ".- En la opción donwload folder que muestras de la configuración del plugin añade lo que te indica: wp_upload_dir['basedir']+'amazon-associates-link-builder/' Parece que no lo puedo adjuntar :blush: este es el enlace de descarga -> GeoLite2 City : Worm Castings Organic Fertilizer, Wiggle Worm Soil Builder, 15-Pounds, (Package May Vary) : Fertilizers : Garden & Outdoor The official plugin from the Amazon Associates Program. これで以前と違い複数のプラットフォームの広告が出せるようになった他、PA-API v5への対応もできたので今後広告が表示されなくなるという事態を回避することが … Amazon Associates Link Builderの代替として3つの選択肢を考えてみた. Amazon Associates Link Builderを導入する. 11. Amazon Associates Link Builder. Once you find the plugin simply hit the “ Install Now ” button and then Active the plugin to use. Amazonの商品リンクってはっきり言ってデザイン的にかっこよくない。 時々Aazon の広告をかっこよく張っているブログを見かけます。 うちのブログもあんなふうにしてみたい! そう思って調べてみたら出てきたのが「Amazon Associates Link Builder]。 今回はこのAmazon Associates Link Builderを設定し … It’s never been so simple to link directly to Amazon products from your own site. Lo primero que debemos tener en cuenta es que el plugin de Amazon cuenta con una sección de Templates donde puedes crear tu propio bloque. Pertanto, sono da attendersi migliorie e implementazioni di nuove funzionalità. Their solution: Change all shortcodes from Amazon Associates Link Builder. Actually no, the Amazon Associates Linking requirements state: [Y]ou must not use a link shortening service in a manner that makes it unclear that you are linking to an Amazon Site. Join the Associates Program and start earning money today. Duplícala y llámala, por ejemplo, ProductAd2. Link to a specific product on Amazon and show some information about that product. ではざっと導入方法を紹介してみます。 インストール. Noch nie war es so einfach, auf der eigenen Seite direkt zu Amazon Produkten zu verlinken. At the time of writing, Amazon Associates Link Builder (v. 1.3) works only with WordPress table prefixes of ‘wp_’. Amazon Associates Link Builderの画面. This is a known issue and should be solved in the near future. Hola: En su día lanzamos el Amazon Associates Link Builder (AALB), un plugin para WordPress dirigido a ayudarte a enlazar productos de Amazon desde el contenido de tu sitio. After you’ve made your changes click ‘Update’ to save the link. Our promise to you: We’ll keep things straightforward and succinct so you can … Dieser Amazon associates link builder Vergleich hat herausgestellt, dass das Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis des analysierten Testsiegers unsere Redaktion außerordentlich überzeugen konnte. It's free for website owners and bloggers to become Amazon Associates. They advertise products from on their sites by creating links. When customers click the links and buy products from Amazon, they earn referral fees. Pues malas noticias: Amazon deja de dar soporte a este plugin y va a dejar de funcionar el proximo 9 de marzo de 2020. Amazon Associates Link Builder. Here you can search for products and create a matching link. ¿Te dedicas a promocionar artículos mediante Amazon Afiliados y estas usando el plugin oficial de Amazon para WordPress «Amazon Associates Link Builder (AALB)»? Amazon Associates Link Builder heißt das gute Stück und ist seit dem 13.12.2016 im Plugin-Verzeichnis, oder von der Seite erhältlich. WordPressの管理画面から「Amazon Associates Link Builder」と検索してインストール、有効化します。 Mit dem Amazon Associates Link Builder steht nun ein Plugin für WordPress bereit, welches dies direkt aus dem Editor heraus ermöglicht. Ve al menú principal de Associates Link Builder > Plantillas y selecciona la plantilla ProductAd. The Amazon Associates Program is one of the largest and most successful online affiliate programs, with over 900,000 members joining worldwide. for your burgeoning business. Lógicamente, antes de nada, tendrás que darte de alta en los afiliados de Amazon, para este paso hay cientos de tutoriales por internet explicando cómo darse de alta así que no bajaré al detalle, igualmente te dejo aquí el link de registro de afiliados: Amazon Afiliados. Amazon Associates Link Builder. Amazon公式プラグイン「 Amazon Associates Link Builder 」の使い方 まずはWordPressに「 Amazon Associates Link Builder 」のプラグインをインストールして有効化します。 ☆が2.5しかありません(笑)。 けれどここはAmazon公式のプラグイン。 #Step 3:. Wenn Du während der Nutzung des Plug-Ins einen Verbesserungsvorschlag hast oder einen Fehler findest, teile uns diesen bitte hier oder per E-Mail an mit (Bitte beachte, dass diese E-Mail Adresse nur für Feedback zum Plug-In gedacht ist). Pasemos a configurar el plugin de Amazon Associates Link Builder. Es gingen in den letzten Wochen ja schon die Gerüchte herum, dass Amazon ein eigenes Plugin für seine Affiliates erstellen und veröffentlichen würde. 私は当サイトにおいて「Amazon Associates Link Builder」を使っていたので、全て置き換える必要がありました。 そこで、「おやこそだて」さんが開発する「Rinker」というプラグインに置き換えることに決 … Support » Plugins » Amazon Associates Link Builder – Acsess&Secret Key lässt sich nicht speichern. 2020年3月9日に、「Amazon Associates Link Builder」のサービスが終了して使えなくなりました。. Auch der Kostenfaktor ist gemessen an der gelieferten Qualität mehr als zufriedenstellend. Amazonアソシエイトの公式プラグイン ということで使っていたAmazon Associates Link Builderでしたが、 同機能を有した新ツールの提供予定は今のところない ようです。 Hide. About Amazon Associates Link Builder. To do that, first of login to your WordPress Dashboard, then visit the Plugin tab and click on Add New. Amazon Associates Link Builder; Stable Readme (latest release) Amharic; New to Translating WordPress? Amazon is a bit blunt here and advises you to change the links on all pages where you have used AALB. Have you taken the WordPress 2020 Survey yet? Skip to content Y a ese bloque le puedes agregar un CSS. Use Amazon Associates Link Builder to get paid extra via an affiliate link.

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